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eHTML: tags with any names


new html-keywordslinealingpointdefault
values of new html-keywordssideromb
old html-keywordstdidlist
values of old html-keywordscircle
communication xmlsoundsyncpower
values of communication xmlnouser
keyboard and mouser commandenter


Which languages are necessary to known for database visualization? SQL, because it's database industrial standard. HTML, because it's visualization industrial standard. What's else? Nothing else.

Imagine, that request into a database has return a tree, consisting of arbitrary (unknown for brower) tags (for example, names of tags are coincide with names of tables of database). I offer to give characteristics to any tags and so to specify displaying of them in browser (we shall name this html as extended, extended html, eHTML). And to list characteristic of arbitrary tags in css-file (it's more simply, than to write xsl-file for them). It's necessary to look at old, already known html-tag as at html-tags with predetermined values of characteristics - but other tags can have the same set of characteristics.

Let, for example, browser has met unknown tag "anytag" with text "internal text" inside.

previous text
<anytag> internal text </anytag>
subsequent text
and let it's specified in a css-file
anytag {
  color: blue;
  font: italic bold;
Modern browser ignores tag and shows simply previous text internal text subsequent text
but should show previous text internal text subsequent text

Axes of visual characteristics as part of basis

If transition into new string should be before and after any tag, appropriate characteristic is not named for such case still. Let it will be newstring with values yes and no. Already known tags p, br, hr, table, caption, tr have value yes.

Placing into a columns can be executed independently for different document parts and derivate different columns width in each part. Separation of document part from each other should be executed by some tag with special characteristic. Let kind=table will be such characteristic. Only tag table from already known tags has this characteristic.

Thus, if there is following css-file

x { kind: table }
y { newstring: yes }
then browser locate contents of tags <x> <y> </x> in document such, as they are tags <table> <tr> </table>

All tags, independent of their names, directly enclosed into tag with kind=table, are interpreted as tags with a data. Presence simultaneously several tags with different names is possible. And name of tag and name of its class (value of attribute class) coincide always: if attribute class is specified for tag, then name of tag is ignored; if this attribute is not specified (it is absent), then name of tag is name of class.

For symmetry we allow to fill table "by columns", and we enter characteristic type with values row (filling by rows, default value) and column (filling by columns) for tags table, tbody, tfoot, thead, table-dim. Characteristic type=column of tag table-dim results to transpose.

Division a document into parts for construction of lists and lines should be executed similarly - let there will be tags with characteristic kind=list and kind=line.

All tags, independent of their names, directly enclosed in tag with kind=list, are interpreted as list elements. Presence simultaneously several tags-elements of list with different names is possible.

All tags, independent of their names, directly enclosed in tag with kind=line, are interpreted as line elements. Presence simultaneously several tags-elements of line with different names is possible.

Characteristic kind specifies, what other characteristics exist in that tag.

Assignment of any value to this characteristic, include the old value, which is contained in it earlier, resets all other characteristic in "null".

That characteristic can have more than one values simultaneously.

Axes of semantic characteristics as part of basis

Characteristic semantics is intended for search robots. Its values are (characteristic can have several values simultaneously): address (country, site, email, phone - tags address, cite); idea (dfn), important (em, strong), quote (backquote, q); example (code), input (kbd), output (samp), rating, price, author, date. Characteristic semantics don't specify abbreviation, because it's easy to find abbreviation by such its kind, that all its letters is capital.

Appending of list of values

Special value asterisk * of attributes colspan, rowspan means using of all stayed columns (or rows accordingly) as one column (or row).

Expression of tags through characteristics

Tags in table below, for which second column in table is blank, are not expressed through characteristic. But they (for example, tag object) can be applied as is.

Tags ti can be applied inside tag select instead of tags option and optgroup.

Conformity between html tags and html characteristics
html-tag characteristics of xml-tag characteristics of
surrounding xml-tag,
i.e. of tag in [-1]-st level
characteristics of
xml-tag in [-2]-nd level
<a href= > kind:anchor; src:/dir/filename;
<a name=A > kind:mark; id:A;
<address> font-type:oblique; semantics:address;
<b> font-weight:+100%;
<backquote> semantics:quote;
<big> font-size:+30%; font-weight:+100%;
<body> kind:body;
<br> newstring:yes;
<caption> newstring:yes; colspan:* ; kind:table;
<code> font-family:courier; semantics:example;
<contour> kind:contour;
<cite> font-type:oblique; semantics:address;;
<def> font-type:oblique; semantics:idea;
<dd> padding-left:10mm;
<dt> padding-left:0;
<em> font-type:oblique; semantics:important;
<form> kind:form;
<h1> text-align:left; font-size:+100%;
<h2> text-align:left; font-size:+50%;
<h3> text-align:left; font-size:+20%;
<h4> text-align:left;
<h5> text-align:left; font-size:-20%;
<h6> text-align:left; font-size:-40%;
<head> kind:head;
<hidden> kind:hidden;
<hr> kind:hr;
<i> font-type:oblique;
<img src= > <link src= >
<input type=button> kind:anchor; src:/dir/filename; look:button;
<input type=checkbox> kind:checkbox;
<input type=file> kind:file;
<input type=hidden> <hidden>
<input type=image> kind:image;
<input type=password> kind:password;
<input type=pic> kind:pic;
<input type=radio> kind:radio;
<input type=reset> kind:reset;
<input type=select> kind:select;
<input type=submit> kind:submit;
<input type=text> <input type=textarea>
<input type=textarea> kind:area;
<interface> kind:interface;
<kbd> font-type:courier; semantics:input;
<li>   kind:list / line;
<line> kind:line;
<link href= > kind:link; src:/dir/filename;
<map name= >
<menu> kind:menu;
<module> kind:module;
<object data= >
<ol> <ul>
<p> newstring:yes; indent:N;
<pre> font-family:courier; white-space:pre;
<q> semantics:quote;
<samp> font-type:courier; semantics:output;
<small> font-size:-50%;
<strong> font-weight:+100%; semantics:important;
<sub> vertical-align:sub;
<sup> vertical-align:super;
<table> kind:table;
<table-dim> kind:table-dimensional;
<tree> kind:tree;
<ti> kind:ti;
<tbody> kind:tbody;
<tc> type:column; newstring:yes; kind:table/tbody/tfoot/thead;
<tfoot> kind:tfoot;
<thead> kind:thead;
<td>   newstring: yes; kind:table/tbody/tfoot/thead;
<th> font-weight:+100%; newstring: yes; kind:table/tbody/tfoot/thead;
<tr> type:row; newstring:yes; kind:table/tbody/tfoot/thead;
<tt> font-family:courier;
<ul> kind:list;

Table cells can be textbox-widgets directly (if you has edited a text in a table cell, then browser re-formats a table automatically). And copying from clipboard into several table cells at once is possible.

Values of all characteristics are distributed to all sub-tags. Two following css-files mean the same.

tag {
 kind: table;
sub_tag {
 newstring: yes;
sub_sub_tag {
 kind: area;
tag {
 kind: table area;
sub_tag {
 newstring: yes;
sub_sub_tag {


Any tag can be a label and a link simultaneously.

anytag {
 kind: mark link;

Extended pattern

Tag can corresponds to a pattern in more then one attribute.

<tag class=x attr1=y> {
tag1.class1 tag2.class2 {}
<tag1 class=class1> <tag2 class=class2> { }


tag attribute list of possible values
link type vector
New characteristics
characteristicdefault valuelist of possible values
kind  anchor, checkbox, contour, file, form, hidden, hr, image, line, link, list, mark, password, radio, reset, table, table-dimensional, tbody, tfoot, thead, ti, tree, area, select, submit
newstringno no, yes
semantics  address, idea, important, quote, example, input, output
typerow row, column


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