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New widget: picture


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I offer to enter new widget <input type=pic name=a>, which is displayed as sidebar of rectangle with cut four corners at once after loading of document i.e. so

If user press it, then browser make so, as if user has pressed on object <input type=file> - explorer will appear, which will show local file system of computer.

User can choose only one file in it, and only graphic file. After user has chosen such file - for example, containing photography of tiger

then picture from this file will be shown instead of initial sidebar, but picture will be shown without four corners to distinguish widget from <img scr= >

If user press on this picture once more, then explorer will appear once again, and user can change graphic file.

During sending form, browser send contents of graphic file in tag UNKIND, which exists only in TCP/IP-stream: contents of file is placed instead of dots in it. Besides that, browser send xml-tag pic, attributes len of which specifies file length in bytes; attribute offset specifies offset of file inside tag UNKIND in bytes, counted from zero; attribute name specifies name of variable, value of which graphic file is.

<pic name="a" len="100" offset="0">
<unkind len=100>...</unkind>
Quantity of tags pic is equal to quantity of graphic widgets <input type=pic>, but tag UNKIND is one for all of them.
<pic name="a" len="100" offset="0">
<pic name="b" len="100" offset="100">
<pic name="b" len="100" offset="200">
<unkind len=300>...</unkind>

Encryption for correction a mistakes and calculation of a control sum are maked already by TCP/IP-protocol. Beginning and end of a file are calculated, using number of TCP/IP-package and file length - there is no need to make intervals between files and to insert random letters sequence into them.


Values of html-attribute
tag attribute value
input type pic


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