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We hide, show, duplicate fields of form


new html-keywordslinealingpointdefault
values of new html-keywordssideromb
old html-keywordstdidlist
values of old html-keywordscircle
communication xmlsoundsyncpower
values of communication xmlnouser
keyboard and mouser commandenter


We hide and show fields

Sometimes it's necessary to fill two various parts of the questionnaire, depending on a choice made on radio-buttons. If both of them are located in one document, user get lost in widgets (and spoil exterior view). If to locate them in two documents, than logic of work of DBMS becomes complicated (update, timeout). I offer to control appearance of tags group on page.

We surround group by special tag multi. Radio-button (we shall name it further also as control button), which display group, if chosen (checked), specify a name of tag multi in own attribute press.

Thus, code should look so in case "you are student - you are worker":

  <th rowspan="2"> you are: </th>
  <td> <input press="stud" type="radio name=x"> student </td>
  <td> <input press="work" type="radio name=x"> worker </td>

 <multi name="stud">
  <th> parents surname </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="family"> </td>
  <th> home phone </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="phone"> </td>

 <multi name="work">
  <th> profession </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="profession"> </td>
  <th> date of graduating </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="graduating"> </td>
  <th> length of service </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="experience"> </td>


While all radio-button is not chosen, user sees the following

you are:

Having chosen "student", user see in window

you are:
parents surname
home phone

and having chosen "worker":

you are:
date of graduating
length of service

If user choose "student" and filling such:

you are:
parents surname
home phone

then browser sends following text

<stud family="Tomson" phone="1234567">

If user choose "worker" and filling fields as

you are: student
date of graduating

than browser sends

<work profession="chemist" graduating="1900" experience="10">

All fields of form can be filled - but not all can be sent. Switching to another group of fields don't erase values, entered earlier. Tags multi can be enclosed.

Selective tag appearance

It would be convenient for some tasks, that group of tags (and text, contained in them, together with them) are displayed in a window on pressing some button, and are disappeared by second pressing (as in some pens: one pressing - a core of pen appears, second pressing - disappears).

We surround group by special tag (the same tag multi), Checkbox-button (we shall name it further similarly as control button), which, if chosen (checked), will display group, specify a name of tag multi in own attribute press.

Duplication of fields

We meet such items, as enumeration of previous work places. Much frequently (if not always) some identical cells, for example widgets <input type=text name=Ai>, are allocated in page for this list (list of uncertain length beforehand). Cells, as a rule, is not enough (it's necessary to send new pages for user), or they remain empty (and spoil exterior view). Author of this article saves information, earlier informed by a user, in hidden-variable <input type=hidden> of new page, and then commits (writes down) both input-hidden, and input-text in database at once. Chains of such pages are possible, thus each next page contains information, entered in all previous. Even if name of all files in a chain are same, browser correctly reacts to the button "back", correctly distinguishing documents. However, I think, you agree, what to send the same page from one end of a planet in another only for adding hidden-variable is unreasonable.

It would be desirable, that additional html-structures appear on pressing any button "else". It's necessary to collect several tags in group, i.e. to surround by special tag (let it will multi). Button (we shall name it further as control button), which duplicate group of tag, specify a name of tag multi in own attribute press. So, for the case


code should look so

  <th> acceptance date </th>
  <th> sacking date </th>
  <th> organization name </th>
  <th> sacking reason </th>

 <multi name="workplace">
  <td> <input type="text" name="in_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="out_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="ltd"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="why"> </td>

  <td colspan="4"><input press="workplace" type="button" value="else"></td>

and user see the following after three botton pressing


If user filling form as


than browser sends (browser will fill such form on another site automatically by substituting data depending on number of tag WORKPLACE)

<workplace in_date="01.90" out_date="01.91" ltd="AAA" why="aaa">
<workplace in_date="01.92" out_date="01.93" ltd="BBB" why="bbb">
<workplace in_date="01.94" out_date="01.95" ltd="CCC" why="ccc">
<workplace in_date="01.96" out_date="01.97" ltd="DDD" why="ddd">

If user does not press button "else", then browser sends

<workplace in_date="01.90" out_date="01.91" ltd="AAA" why="aaa">

If tag multi is absent

  <td> <input type="text" name="in_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="out_date"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="ltd"> </td>
  <td> <input type="text" name="why"> </td>
then browser sends
<in_date  text="01.90">
<out_date text="01.91">
<ltd      text="AAA">
<why      text="aaa">

User presses button "back" of browser for reduction quantity of fields after duplications of them. It's possible to emphasize several rows of duplicated fields and cut/copy into clipboard, and than to insert into several rows (i.e. as in Excel).


Let user has duplicated some tag, which is inside of tag of radio-button, and then he has switched a radio-button into other value and then back into previous value. Then he will see tag for duplication in a single copy.

Nesting of tags multi

<multi name="work">
  <multi name="workplace">
derivates a nesting of XML-tags in sending
<work ...>
<workplace ...>

Placing tag multi, which surrounds any widgets, inside another tag multi, which directly does not surround any widgets, make such result, that additional XML-tag appears in sending XML-text in some level of hierarchy.



tag attribute value
input press  

Dependence of tags group behaviour on value of attribute press and control construction
<input type="button"> <input type="radio"> <input type="checkbox">

page loading - one copy of object is visible,

button pressing - object is made multiple copies

page loading - one of alternative objects is visible,

button choosing - disappearance one, appearance of other object

page loading - object is visible or invisible,

button switching - disappearance and appearance of object


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