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Attributes, defining more exactly


new html-keywordslinealingpointdefault
values of new html-keywordssideromb
old html-keywordstdidlist
values of old html-keywordscircle
communication xmlsoundsyncpower
values of communication xmlnouser
keyboard and mouser commandenter

Roll-down list

Often (and this is comfortable) menu of site is made as list of words, which are placed in horizontal line. If user touch this word by mouse, then roll-down list appears, which inform about parts of sites, which are hierarchically below this word. We used already known construction <select> <option> ... <option> </select>, that applied specialist can create menu without JavaScript.

We shall add attribute text into tag select, which forces to demonstrate own values instead of value of first enclosed tag option and withdraws "arrow downwards" ( ) from image of tag select.

Exterior view of anchor

It's necessary in some cases, that a link look as a button. I offer to add attribute look into tag a. Attribute can accept two values: underline (default value) and button.

example_of_link underline (default value)


Dynamic renovation of values

Sometimes applied specialist want to avoid using of JavaScript in cases, when value in textbox-widget or in cell of table is automatically calculated on base of values of other html-elements before sending form (or without sending form). We add characteristic calculate with values yes (default value) and no into tags <input type=type> and td, characteristic is used only if value in these tags begins with letter "equal" ("="). Values of attributes id of tags, which values is used (we shall name them as used tags), is listed after letter "equal" through letters of arithmetical operation ("+", "-", "*", "/") and parentheses.

<input type=text value="=id1+id2*(id3-id4)">
<td>                    =id1+id2*(id3-id4)</td>
If radio- or checkbox-field are used tags, then values of their attributes value are used in arithmetical expression.

Number of list item

Most often serial number of items of list should begin from one or zero, but sometimes it should begin from another (positive or negative) number, besides that, sometimes it's necessary to miss some numbers (i.e. number of next item of list should be more not by one, but by any number). I offer to enter attribute ser (ser=serial) of tag li for decision of these tasks, attribute contains forced number of this item of list (number of next item of list is more than this by one, if its attribute ser is not specified).

  <li ser="-10"> phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li ser="0">   phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li ser="100"> phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
  <li>           phrase </li>
-10. prase
 -9. prase
 -8. prase
 -7. prase
  0. prase
  1. prase
  2. prase
  3. prase
100. prase
101. prase
102. prase
103. prase

Button "Submit"

A form can have several buttons "Submit", which differ from each other by values of attributes value and text: value of value is sent to server, value of text is displayed on button (it attribute text is absent, then value of attribute value is displayed on button).

<input type=submit name=task value=copy   text=operation1>
<input type=submit name=task value=move   text=operation2>
<input type=submit name=task value=delete text=operation3>
Xml-text, which is sending to server, looks so:
<task text=move>


tag attribute default value list of possible value
select text   any words
A look underline underline, button
<input type=type>, td calculate yes yes, no
li ser 1 any interger
<input type=submit> text   any words


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