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Structure of html-document


new html-keywordslinealingpointdefault
values of new html-keywordssideromb
old html-keywordstdidlist
values of old html-keywordscircle
communication xmlsoundsyncpower
values of communication xmlnouser
keyboard and mouser commandenter

Superfluous tags

It's possible to use one tag instead of tags img (object) and link, applicability of this one tag will depend of whether it inside tag body or outside. I offer to use tag link in all cases as most semantically neutral for unification. When tag link is outside body, then type is used to specify applicability of a file. When tag link is inside body, then attribute type is not defined as superfluous (when tag link is used instead of tags img and object).

Attribute rel of tag link duplicates attribute type of the same tag and is excessive. We allow also to not write prefix "text/" in attribute type of tag link.

<link src=./a.txt type=style>

We shall allow to use tag link any time, when it's necessary to insert one html(xml)-document into other (for example, when whole column of form consists of alike construction <select> <option> ... <option> </select>)


If attribute name is absent in any html-tag, then xml-attribute name get value of html-attribute id during sending.

Superfluous attributes

Attributes src, action, data, href have sense as address, i.e. designate the same. To replace whole tag by a file automatically (<img src= >) or to inform, where to take a file (<a href= >), depends of tag (instead of attribute). Thus all four words, mentioned above, are designate the same attribute. More reasonably to use attribute src instead of each of them.

Characteristic = attribute

Now it's impossible to specify value of attribute cellspacing in css-file, because characteristics and attributes form two different semantic spaces. Besides that, it's impossible to specify values of characteristics directly in tag, but only by specifing characteristic in attribute style. There are no semantic criteria for division of objects properties into attributes and characteristics. Author has understood that finally, when, preparing these articles, he should decide for each property: attribute, characteristic, attribute, characteristic ... I assure you, author has felt all relativity of similar division.

I offer to unit spaces of characteristics and attributes.


When characteristic-attribute of several tags at once accepts the same value, then man write this value in a css-file. But it's impossible to make that for attribute src of tag link, because it contains several values at once. I offer to correct this situation and to enter substitutions.

Substitutions are listed in tag sbs (sbs=substitution), located inside tag html, or in a separate file, reference to which is also inside tag html (in an example below: "loc1" - name of substitution, "" - its value; "loc2" - name of substitution, "." - its value).

    loc2: .;

 <link src=./filename.txt type=sbs>
Name of substitution, two sides of which surrounded by mark "$", is specified inside value of attribute. Browser calculates value of attribute by putting value of substitution instead of name of substitution. Space of substitutions is not crossed with space of characteristics-attributes.
    <a src="$loc1$/filename.htm"> text </a>
    <a src="$loc2$/filename.htm"> text </a>

Top tags

It's reasonable to enter unification: a parts of an html-document can be


transition, sbs, voice, module, interface, sequence, menu

Values of attribute type of tag link
head, body, transition, style, sbs, voice, module, interface, sequence, menu

tag attribute possible values
form, link, <input type=select>, contour,
a, tree
src site/~user/^service/predicate
html version number.number


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