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Server initiative


new html-keywordslinealingpointdefault
values of new html-keywordssideromb
old html-keywordstdidlist
values of old html-keywordscircle
communication xmlsoundsyncpower
values of communication xmlnouser
keyboard and mouser commandenter


Browser sends XML-message about changes, which have occurred in a document, to a server. It's reasonable to make interaction symmetric: server sends XML-commands to browser (each browser window is a separate process) to make some changes.

Input-output card, when a signal from any equipment comes to it, timer or something else can send such XML-text. Easier speaking, it's necessary for monitoring.


Presence of tag r in document header

 <meta name=register content=785>
means, that this document can be updated by self-activated service and have number 785 in that service: if browser send this tag to service
<meta name=register content=785>
then service will send blocks for updating this document.

If user kills a program-browser or loads other document into it, then browser notifies service, that blocks for updating should not be sent further, and sends the following message to service.

<meta name=break content=785>


All commands, which server can send to a browser, are name as initiatives. Initiatives are divided into actions (column "module") and rotations.

Initiatives order

Browser executes initiatives consistently. It executes initiatives simultaneously, which are inside tags <<>> and <</>>, and it will not begin to execute them, until it will receive closing tag <</>> It execute consistently such initiatives inside simultaneous part of execution, which are inside tags <> and </>

  <dragdot name=B x= y= num=10>
  <dragdot name=C x= y= num=20>
  <obj name=D ns=ns30>
  <obj name=E ns=ns40>
    <dragdot name=B x= y= num=10>
    <dragdot name=C x= y= num=20>
  <obj name=D ns=ns30>
<obj name=E ns=ns40>




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