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Sending of hidden xml-tree by form


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Hidden xml-data

Earlier we could send only hidden scalar (<input type="hidden">), but we can send whole XML-trees after introduction XML into data transfer. It's made so: XML-text between opening and closing tags hidden inside form will be sent to a server together with XML-text, generated by widgets.


  <xml_tag attribute=value>
    <xml_tag2 attribute2=value2>


If tag hidden is inside tag multi, on which a radio-button (checkbox-button) refers

  <th rowspan="2"> you are: </th>
  <td> <input press="stud" type="radio"> student </td>

 <multi name="stud">
  <th> parents surname </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="family"> </td>
  <th> home phone </th>
  <td> <input type="text" name="phone"> </td>

  <xml_tag attribute=value>
   <xml_tag2 attribute2=value2>


then a hidden data will be sent only if the radio-button (checkbox-button) is pressed.


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