Explorer (tree)
| | tag | attribute | characteristic | style |
new html-keywords | | line | aling | point | default |
values of new html-keywords | | | side | romb |
old html-keywords | | td | id | list |
values of old html-keywords | | | | circle |
communication xml | | sound | sync | power |
values of communication xml | | | nouser |
keyboard and mouser command | | | enter |
Form to browse tree of database
Code of first example:
<ti> <!-- root.gif --> </ti>
<ti id=1 branch-below=yes> folder_name1 </ti>
<ti> folder_name2
<ti> folder_name3 </ti>
<ti id=4 branch-below=yes> folder_name4 </ti>
<ti> folder_name5
<ti> folder_name6 </ti>
Code of second example:
<ti> <!-- root.gif --> </ti>
<ti> <a href="./letter1.txt">first phrase</a> </ti>
<ti> <a href="./letter2.txt">second phrase</a>
<ti> <a href="./letter3.txt">answer for second</a> </ti>
<ti> <a href="./letter4.txt">second for second</a>
<ti> <a href="./letter5.txt">next level</a> </ti>
<ti> <a href="./letter6.txt">third answer</a> </ti>
Browser to server
Each tag tree is form,
has attribute src for sending XML to server and
sends unique identifiers of two html-tags:
- parameter
contains value of attribute
of tag tree.
Attribute name
of tag tree
must be specified only in case,
if tree is in a document more one time
(for example, if html-document is for work with a file-server).
- parameter
contains value of attribute
name of tag ti.
Opening a folder - immediate sending
If for tree element
- folder-server=yes
- user tries to open a folder first time,
then browser immediately sends the following
(origin of designations: ele = element)
<ele name=A num=4 cmd= os= ns= >
Drag, drop- immediate sending
If tree element has got on element of this or other tree
(further we shall name its as accepting object) in result of drag-and-drop,
then browser sends immediately
(sent xml-text contain only these three tags)
<ele name=A1 num=N1 cmd=drag os= ns= >
<ele name=A2 num=N2 cmd=drop os= ns= >
<task text=dad>
If change of style of an enclosed object is not specified in Transition Sheet,
then ti changes own style.
Attribute submit of tag tree specifies,
whether tree have button "submit", and accepts values
yes (default value) and no.
Tree send the following
(moment of sending is described in separate document).
<ele name=A num=N cmd= os= ns= >
Server sends html-tags as answer:
<ti id=51 parent=ti after=4 text=folder_name51>
<ti id=52 text=folder_name52>
<ti id=53 folder-below=yes text=folder_name53>
These are rotations - hmtl-objects, which make following influence
(attributes "parent" and "after" exist only in communication channel)
<ti id=origin_id> ... <ti>
replacement of tag:
deleting old tag and cascade deleting its sub-tags and
adding new tag with attributes and sub-tags |
{ti id=origin_id}
deleting of tag and cascade deleting its sub-tags |
<ti parent=tag_name
adding new tag with attributes and sub-tags
and placing it directly after such tag,
which name and unique identifier are specified in attributes "parent" and "after" |
One tree can be in html-document several times,
so several tags with identical name and value of attribute
can be in document.
Rotation will be applied to all tags with specified
tag_name and origin_id,
independently of how many such tags are.
Exterior view: characteristics of tag TREE
Characteristic newstring specifies, whether tags ti
of one level of hierarchy should be located in one line or every tag in a new line.
| | newstring=yes (by default) |
| newstring=no |
Characteristic tree-sideward specifies,
where an affiliated (internal) tags should be located concerning parent ("folder3") tag.
| tree-sideward=right (by default) |
| tree-sideward=left |
| tree-sideward=center |
Tree element, on which last operation (opening or closing of a folder) was,
is "current" (current folder).
Characteristic tree-show
specifies way of representing all folders, which is below and above current folder ("folder3").
Brief = only such below folders are shown, which is on the following level of hierarchy directly,
sub-folders of all parent folders are not shown.
folder1 |
folder2 |
folder3 |
folder41 |
folder5_41 |
folder42 |
folder5_42 |
| tree-show=full (default value) |
| folder1/folder2/folder3 |
folder41 |
folder42 |
| folder1/folder2/folder3 |
folder42 |
| tree-show=brief |
Characteristic image specifies graphic file,
which should be used as marker of tree elements.
Interaction TI and enclosed objects
Attribute folder-open of tag ti specifies,
should tree element be opened or closed.
It accepts values yes (by default) and no.
Browser changes this attribute during work with a document
depending on user actions (opening-closing a folder).
Attribute folder-server of tag ti specifies,
that sub-elemets for this tree element
are not specified in html-document body and should be received from a server.
Attribute accepts values no (by default) and yes.
tag |
characteristic |
default value |
list of possible values |
tree |
newstring |
yes |
yes, no |
tree-sideward |
right |
right, left, center |
tree-show |
full |
full, brief |
src |
image |
tag |
attribute |
default value |
list of possible values |
folder-open |
yes |
yes, no |
folder-server |
no |
no, yes |
<ele name= num= cmd= os= ns= >
Используются технологии